马鞍山林红工程机械配件厂位于钢城马鞍山市博望新区工业园,距离南京禄口国际机场仅20多公里,连接苏、浙、沪,314省道贯穿工业园区,交通便利。 本厂是一家生产仕高玛、南方路机、三一重工、上海华建、扬州科星、辽宁阜新、辽宁海诺、山东宏达、山东建机、山东方圆、山东米科斯、洛阳加一、中建二局、德国BHS等轴头轴端密封件系列产品,产品广泛应用于大型建筑、公路、沥青站、搅拌楼等众多领域。 公司运用CAD、CAM、CAPP技术,提高了技术产品制造的新水平。多年来的制造经验与不断的研究创新,从设计、制造、检验至售后服务均经严格管制;公司有一批经验丰富的设计人员,具备开发、设计新产品的能力。以先进的技术、科学的管理、优良的产品、周到的服务满足客户的要求。 本厂产品品种多,规格全,可满足客户的多方面要求。选材优良,精工而成,并通过一系列金属处理方法,使产品在强度、耐磨性方面都达到了国内水平。我们始终本着“沟通促进发展,合作创造价值”的销售理念,热忱欢迎广大新老客户来函来电洽谈业务!Ma'anshan Lin hung engineering machinery parts factory is located in Ma'anshan City Frank Bowang new industrial park, from the Nanjing Lukou International Airport is only 20 kilometers, connecting Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, highway 314 runs through industrial park, convenient transportation. The factory is a professional engaged in concrete mixing station (house ) and pump fittings production sales and service in one of the enterprises. The main production shaft end sealing parts, mixer console accessories, South Road of shaft parts, Sany shaft end pieces, reducer accessories, all kinds of rolling shear machine round blade series of dozens of thousands of products. The factory to a solid quality, quality of service, for the old and new customers to provide more quality products! ...展开
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